Up Hill Both Ways

When I finished my first manuscript I was awfully proud of what I had accomplished. It was sort of like when my first child was born and I took an over abundance of pictures and sent them to everyone I knew so they could see her and how absolutely perfect she was. So...

Waiting . . .

As an unpublished author I’ve noticed a very distinct pattern of reoccurring events. First, I get all excited about an idea. Then, I spend countless hours burning up the keyboard trying to get it all down before the inspiration evaporates. This part of the process...

Oops, my bad.

My biggest query faux pas ever had to be the time I submitted to a small publisher, Spinster Ink. One day I was searching for publishers on the Internet and I came across another southern publisher. Great, I write about Southerners! So, I clicked on the site. On the...

The Male POV

After I finished the first chapter of No Holly for Christmas I decided to take it out for a test run and enter it in some  contests. Then, if it didn’t do well I could make some changes, or scrap the whole project before I had too much time invested. It did...

Lonesome, and at the Bottom

I’ve never been at the top of anything so I really can’t relate to the saying, “It’s lonely at the top.” Well, that’s not entirely true. I was at the top of the Empire State Building once and it was anything but lonely. All those pushy tourists elbowing their way for...