by Julie | Sep 28, 2015 | Featured, For Writers
This month I’ll be presenting at my first writer’s conference! And have to admit, I’m a bit nervous. I’m teaching a breakout season on plotting, which is definitely my favorite part of the writing process. Below is the outline and...
by Julie | Mar 10, 2014 | Featured, My Books
Top Ten Signs You Might be Watching Too Much HGTV To go along with my contribution to the Ripple Effect Romance Series, I came up with a Tens List: 1. You start having dreams involving twins, Jonathan and Drew, from the Property Brothers that you can’t tell your...
by Julie | Sep 24, 2012 | Featured, For Writers
Every now and then I’ll hear a writer—generally an unpublished author—say that plotting is his/her least favorite part about writing a novel. Okay first of all, “novel” and “plot” are nearly synonymous. Without a plot, there is no novel, no story. So technically, if a...
by Julie | Feb 14, 2012 | Featured
I’m very excited to announce that Count Down to Love was chosen as a Whitney Award Finalist! Click here to view all of the Whitney Award Finalist. Count Down to Love was also mentioned in an article at Dawning of a Brighter Day. Check back in May for a list of...
by Julie | Aug 16, 2010 | Featured, For Writers
Recently, I received some feedback on my latest novel (Count Down to Love). First, the editor complemented me on my characters and dialogue, which was nice, but then she went on to categorizing me as the kind of author who tends to “tell” instead of “show.” Now I will...